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Industrial Automation

Since 1984, our engineers have pioneered Industrial Automations. From small individual machines to large building blocks, our company undertakes
the design and manufacture of any application. We introduce industry- leading solutions always based on quality, reliability and technological developments. That is why we are working only with the best companies. We deliver turn-key systems and the repeated confidence of our customers proves it. We undertake the customer support and service through the 24- hour support department, while our primary goal never to stop your application. Indicative list of our activities:

  • PLC programming
  • Supervisory Control Systems (SCADA)
  • Industrial Networks Applications of Robotics
  • Data Analysis Applications
  • Database and ERP applications

To achieve all of this, we need to work with the best. That is why our team consists of Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Automation Engineers, Software Engineers and other Specialties. We have one of the best teams in Greece to be able to provide the best service. Besides, we like to say ‘We Know-How’!

  • Production Lines Automation

  • SCADA monitoring and control

  • Industrial Networking