1000 KVA Medium Voltage Substation
M.V. Transformer, M.V. Electrical Switchboard, reactive power compensation, paralleling the existing M.V. Transformer with the new one, M.V. and L.V. wiring. Electrical installations for motion and lighting, automation, electrical panels.
Plant in Industrial Area of Loutraki
2000KVA Medium Voltage Substation
Paralleling of two 1000KVA M.V. transformers. Reactive power compensation. M.V. and L.V. wiring. M.V. and L.V. electrical switchboards
Plant in Industrial Area of Oinofita
Substation M.V.
Paralleling of two 1600KVA M.V. transformers. Reactive power compensation. M.V. and L.V. wiring. M.V. and L.V. electrical switchboards
Power Line Installation
Fluorescent, lighting, safety lighting, outdoor lighting, installation of cable trays, Electrical switchboards.
Electrical installation of sick currents
Data and Telephone cable installation, installation of cable trays.
Fire protection and detection installations
Fire protection pipelines, smoke detectors and alarming system wiring, thermodynamic detectors.
Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor lighting fixtures installation, bases, fixtures, galvanized copper wiring, electrical switchboards, excavations, concrete.